Here are a few pictures from the day. As always, click on them to enlarge.

Chatting with my high school homies :)

A portion of the guests + tent + food + gift mountain
A montage of me opening presents:

I don't think I've ever opened so many presents in my life. This kid has way too much stuff already!

OMG it was hot outside!

Nice little Mommy-daughter-mommy-daughter moment.
Thanks for your help, Momma :)

The beautiful handmade cradle that Mom and Joe got for us. So nice!

The aftermath of the afternoon! Wowza! Thank you everyone!
Okay, I'm done putting up pictures. That took fo'eva! If the layout of the photos looks weird on your computer, just deal with it. Blogger doesn't make putting up photos a very easy task, unfortunately.
So, today marks 32 weeks! I met my new OB today and everything went really well. Blood pressure is good, I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment, her heart beat is nice and strong, no word on my glucose test so I assume I don't have the baby diabeetus - and the best part of the appointment? He checked and said that Ladybird's head is where it should be - down! Hooray! All that swimming and hanging out on my hands and knees paid off, I suppose. Now she better not move back to being sideways. I'll have appointments about every two weeks now and will get to meet the other doctors and the midwife in the practice. Exciting!
OH! And speaking of exciting news - we bought a house!! Yes! We found an adorable bi-level in Lower Sackville (for those non-Nova Scotians, it's about 20 minutes from downtown Halifax and 20 minutes from the airport ... perfect location!) that has three bedrooms, nice big living room, beautiful kitchen/dining room, one and a half baths, a laundry room, a nice big deck, a fire pit, and - get this - a pool! It's a newer house (only 12 years old) in a great little subdivision with everything we need (grocery stores, restaurants, banks, move theatre, etc.) about five minutes down the road. And the best part? The previous owners are already out so our closing date is at the end of the month! Hooray! We're very happy about this whole thing and it's so nice to know that we'll have a place to bring Ladybird after she's born. Just a couple more weeks and we get to move into our new house. I can't wait! After our ridiculous house-hunting experience in Winnipeg, I'm still in a bit of disbelief at how quickly and smoothly this process went for us.
So there's definitely been a lot of excitement going on around here. Lots of things to keep me busy (read: slightly overwhelmed) but that's good! Now, what kind of excitement is going on in Ladybird's neck of the woods? Let's check out the baby update to find out!

Ladybird is just under 4lbs now and is about 17 inches long! Not much more to go, kiddo! Her lungs won't be fully functional until birth but she is inhaling amniotic fluid to practice her breathing. No wonder she gets the hiccups so often. She sleeps about 90-95% of the day and her movements will peak this week. She's running out of room! Her growth does begin to slow down now, but she'll continue to put on weight (and lots of it!) over the next few weeks.
Congrats on the house!! And you are looking very cute with that baby bump ...I guess a bit more than a bump :) Hope you're feeling good and enjoying your pregnancy. Kyler is doing well and talking a mile a minute!!