The yummy spread!
(Click on any of the photos to make them larger)
Thank you!!
My lovely coworkers are planning a baby shower/goodbye party for me on the 10th of July and my mom and mother-in-law will be throwing us showers once we move back home to Nova Scotia. We are so lucky to have so many people who care about us! It's so sweet. Apparently, though, I better start making a registry. Eek!
Auntie Rochelle requested a photo of our crib set. We don't have a crib set (bedding) picked out yet, but here are photos of the crib and dresser that my mom was so wonderful to have purchased for us earlier in the pregnancy:

The crib is the Graco "Blakely" 3-in-1 convertible crib and the dresser is the Graco "Kimberly" combo unit. I think. Right, Mom? It's honestly been so long since I'd been looking at cribs and stuff. These were bought for us when I was probably about six weeks pregnant :) We'll be getting a change pad to put on top of the dresser to use it as a changing station rather than getting an entirely separate change table.
As far as the pregnancy goes, everything is still going really well. I'm 25 weeks today and I'm in the last week of my fifth month. Starting next week, I'll be six months pregnant. Yikes! I'm starting to get a touch more uncomfortable but that's to be expected. It's really nothing major but I'm definitely feeling everything start to weigh on my internal organs. I can no longer bend forward comfortably and if every seat I ever had to sit in would recline, I'd be a happy camper. I painted my own toenails yesterday because I didn't want to bother going all the way to the south end of the city to my usual pedicure place. Ha! I won't be doing that again! I was able to do it, but holy uncomfortable! I had to keep taking breaks and sit up because everything was squishing up into my stomach and lungs. It was actually kind of funny. So, Nova Scotian friends and family, I'll need some pedicure partners for the rest of the summer when I get home! I've also noticed that pregnancy has increased my TMJ issues. I'm not even exaggerating when I say I have to knock my jaw back into place at least a dozen times a day. Seriously, any given time during the day you'll see me pushing against the right side of my face to unlock my jaw and get it back where it's supposed to be. I'm assuming it's because of the hormones that are relaxing my ligaments and whatnot, but man ... it's really annoying!
And how is Miss Ladybird doing? Let's find out with a baby update!

Ladybird is the size of an eggplant for the next few weeks! Woah! That is big! Now, I know this says "month 6" but I won't be six months until the 4th of July, so whatever. We'll go with it. She's soaking up my antibodies so her immune system is getting ready for the outside world. I don't know how helpful I am right now, kiddo, since I've had this cold for three weeks. Tiny capillaries are forming and are giving her a pinkish hue. Studies show that fetuses at this stage can respond to touch and if I were to shine a light on my belly, she'd turn her head which means that her optic nerve is working. And, speaking of eyes, her eyelashes are forming!