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Cool dudette! |
Update time! Yippee!
My sweet little Charlotte is now closer to three years old than two years old. Eek! Where does the time go? She is already talking about her birthday party and has asked me probably 5 times today if it was fall yet... (granted, it was freezing out so that may have had something to do with it ;))
Every day, she continues to amaze me. She is about 27 lbs now and I think around 34 inches tall. Still teeny and I think she always will be. She wears mostly 2T stuff and mostly size 6 shoes. She has all her teeth and had her third hair cut about a month ago. She is fully toilet trained (except wears training pants at nighttime) and can do the whole routine all by herself. She can put on her own jacket. She can go up and down stairs with ease. She can climb up into her booster seat at the dinner table. She uses her forks and spoons very well. She can do a somersault. She just keeps getting bigger and more independent! *sniffles!*
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At the mall after her third hair cut
Charlotte started daycare at the beginning of April due to some confusing no job/new job circumstances that ended up with our regular sitter finding new employment. We were very VERY sad about the change, but Kelsey is still in our lives, and Charlotte is really enjoying her time with other children. I am so happy she was able to spend the first two and a half years of her life at home and now she is at the age where she craves social interaction. She is loving daycare and tells me all about her days, who her friends are, who she played with, which children spit, which children talk at naptime, and so on and so forth haha. I love hearing her sing new songs and talk about her friends. My heart melts when I pick her up and she hugs her friends goodbye. Love love love. Unfortunately, starting daycare also meant her first ear infection. Boo!! But we made it two and a half years with no antibiotics ever, so that's pretty good!
Last month, Charlotte went on a trip to Calgary with her Gram for 5 whole days! She went to visit Auntie Rochelle, Uncle Paul, and her cousins Isla and Lucas. She had a wonderful time and still asks if we are "going to go to Calgary today". She really enjoyed the plane rides and even got to visit the flight deck on her way home. Apparently, she walked into the flight deck, looked around, and said "I think this is an airbus" (it was). Cracked the pilots right up! :)
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Mommy and Charlotte ice cream date |
Here are a few of 2.5 year old Charlotte's favourites:
Book: Alligator Baby by Robert Munsch is a big favourite right now. We have read it every day for the last 3 weeks since we bought it.
Activity: Pretend play - she loves acting out life's little moments with her dolls and stuffed animals. She is always feeding them or putting them to bed and copying pretty much everything I say to her during those routines. Makes me feel pretty good when I see her hugging her bunny saying "goodnight, sweetie, sweet dreams, I love you". She also loves playing with her Crazy Coupe outside - filling it with dandelion gas and going to Superstore for groceries ;) Her imagination is amazing and she comes up with some really fun ideas every day.
Food: I don't know if she really has a favourite. She eats peaches n' cream oatmeal every day for breakfast at her request. She really likes apple slices and peanut butter as a dip for snack. She is still a great eater and enjoys a wide variety of foods.
Toy: Charlotte Bunny (although I don't know if I count her as a toy but rather an entity in her own right) or her doll that has snap on clothes that she has named Susan.
Colour: Purple (mine too, and I'm pretty sure that's why it's her favourite ;))
Word: Why? Why? Why why why? WHY? ;)
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My little ladybird |
Even though she is really starting to exert her independence and test boundaries, she just makes every single day a little brighter. Her smile lights up the room. Her laugh is infectious. She is soft and snuggly. She is brave and strong. She makes funny jokes. She is smart. She is social. She shows empathy. She is kind. I just love seeing what new things each day brings!